Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Surface Assignment 7- Book Art

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you — Nobody — Too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise — you know!

How dreary — to be — Somebody!
How public — like a Frog —
To tell one's name — the livelong June —
To an admiring Bog!

Edit: Craftsmanship must be worked on.  I'm glad it all worked for the most part.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surface Assignment 6- Create and Destroy Progress

I actually remembered to take a second and take progress pics.

Image1: Primordial Darkness
I used charcoal, pen, and marker to create the "primordial sea of chaos." I wanted that to be the first image because I didn't just want to start at light point blank. 
I destroyed it by cutting it up so I could added it to the next painting.

Image2: Light

I wanted it to seem like it was breaking the darkness.
Ironically, I destroyed it by painting over it with black paint.  I flipped it over to prepare the back of the canvas to contain the heavens.

Image3: Firmament
I decided to do a atmospheric gradient with celestial stars streaking the skies.
Then I have to pour dirt and water on heaven...lol.
Fear the dirt bucket.

Image4: Earth and Sea
I built a little reservation of a shore on top of the heavens so that it looked like the water was reflecting it.   Making it water tight was easy.
I then mixed into a muddy, rocky bed for the next day.

Image5: Plant Life
I got plastic flowers and ripped up what made it watertight for scraps. I wanted it to feel warm and alive against the soil.
Then I uprooted everything, poured the dirt in a bucket, dismantled the canvas frame, and threw it all into a scrap pile.  

Image6: Sea Life

After all the care I put into making sure the glasses were never cracked, I broke them in a plastic bag.  I ripped off the fish and took apart the frame again.
I really liked this piece too....

Image7: Humanity and Rest
I decided to combine the 6th and 7th day to bring most of the pictures together into one piece.
I took most of the scraps and junk that accumulated and filled both the pillow and mattress with it, including the broken glass.  I wanted the doll, whether God or humanity, to rest upon "the world" in a way.    I then took the stretcher bars to make the bed frame and decorated the edges with leftover decorations.

It is the only survivor of all the pieces.

Surface Assignment 6- Create and Destroy

Image1: Primordial Darkness
Image2: Light
Image3: Firmament Image4: Earth and Sea
Image5: Plant Life
Image6: Sea Life
Image7: Humanity and Rest

Edit: Next time, let my art speak for itself. lol. I'm glad the works themselves were successful for the most part. The tiny glass cuts were worth it.

Top Three Departments

1. Comm Arts

I've always loved concept art and graphic novels.  I also want to dabble in visual and digital effects.   When I can, I want to figure draw at Franklin but right now I have classes when they hold them. Maybe spring semester.

2. Graphic Design

If I don't get Comm Arts, then it will be a sad day, but I have always been interested in this area especially typography.  I would also love to make t-shirt designs.  I did that when I was in high school. Just think about going down the street and going "Hey, he's wearing my shirt design." I'm a dork....I know.

This reminds me of high school. XD

3. Kinetic Imaging

I've always been interested in animation since I was little and will hold my inspiration forever.  Ever since I took the project class, I have had an interest in majoring in it.  However, if I get the either of the other two then I would love to minor in KI instead.  KI teachers and students are so fun and friendly, too.